063: Ten things we wish someone had told us about the creative life


In this episode, Roben-Marie and Sandi discuss the 10 things that would have been helpful to know about the creative life.

Roben-Marie's 5

•There will be many times when you dislike creating and feel like quitting.  You’ll get past it so don’t think each time that it is the end!
•If you decide to move your hobby toward a business, invest in starting out with the best record keeping system that works for you.
•Promoting your work will be hard and you will need to invest time into being diligent and consistent.
•When you discover a new art technique or process, don’t run out and buy all the things.  Play around first to make sure it is something you want to do long term before investing your money.
•Continuing education is a must.  Things change rapidly and you want to stay fresh with your knowledge whether it is related to art or the business side of creating.

Sandi's 5:

•Don't buy every latest and greatest that is available.  You wont use half that stuff and eventually have to purge it.
•You will find people that support you endlessly and people that will leave your life unexpectedly.  You will not always be able to predict which is which.
•Making a business of your passion requires you to settle for much less art time.
•Expect change.  Expect it to be uncomfortable. As you grow in your creative life you will experience transitions.  Leaving behind the familiar and the safe can be scary.  Walk through the discomfort and keep going.
•Finding your community is vital! Put yourself out there and find people that are like-minded to share the adventure.  They need you too!

Creatives Get Real Episode #060 -  060: When You Just Want to Quit!

In this episode, Roben-Marie and Sandi discuss the 10 things that would have been helpful to know about the creative life.

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