060: When You Just Want to Quit!


It happens...regularly.  You decide it would be easier to Just Be DONE. Roben-Marie and Sandi Keene talk about causes & solutions for the I am quitting art syndrome.


- Over-commitment/Exhaustion
- Personal life issues
- Bad social media experience
- Major art disappointment
- Frustration at your growth
- Doubt about your abilities
- Comparison


- Stronger boundaries, intensive self care
- Take care of the things that need to handled first - then art
- Vent to a friend/Shake it off/ DO YOU
- Define what you need to get over the hurdle - class? book? New supplies?
- Stop judging and give yourself grace
- Hush the voices
- STOP, it's not a fair fight

Being prepared for this phase helps shorten it dramatically!

On this episode of the Creatives Get Real Podcast, Roben-Marie and Sandi chat about dealing with those moments when you just want to quit your art and business. Listen for tips on motivation and get encouraged by their solutions. #podcast

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