Creating simple beauty from the simplest of pieces

If you have been following my journey, you know that a few months ago, I took some time off to rest and reflect on my art and the direction I want to take in my art business.

From that, I began to see a shift in my art as well as my clarity around the passion I have for helping other artist/makers realize their dream of putting their art out into the world. More on that later! 

I had been thinking about the upcoming 100 Day Project and what I might like to do each day for 100 days.  A big undertaking, I know, but so rewarding!

I found myself gravitating to small pieces of scrap paper...I mean small! I felt like those little bits were a metaphor for the pieces of my life that I was analyzing.  Those bits and pieces coming together in a new way, a new focus, a new direction...and the simple beauty of these small art pieces were the result.



