Points of Two - Week Thirteen

Points of Two - Week Thirteen

Hello and welcome to week thirteen of the Points of Two Project!  This week Kira and I journaled about making decisions, especially tough ones.  Not where to eat out or what movie to see, but the life-changing kind. I often joke that it would be so much easier if a FedEx package would just drop from the sky with the answers inside.  If it were only that easy!  Waiting and watching are key; are there road blocks or open doors?  For me, prayer is the best course of action when I am uncertain and need direction.

Philippians 4: 6-7:  "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Be sure to check out Kira's blog to see her page and read her thoughts!

Roben-Marie's art journal page
Kira's art journal page

Points of Two is a year-long exploration into the differences in all of us. We aim to journal focusing on the same idea, but create very different pages – two points of view, two different styles, brought together to showcase the idea that there is no wrong way to journal and everything you create is art. Join us as we journal the year, creating and exploring the space between and discovering how small that gap really is. The "two" are: Me and Kira!