066: Goal Setting: It's importance and the Process


Roben-Marie and Sandi talk about the importance of evaluating your current business and schedule to see if it meets your current needs.

•List all the things you are doing now
•Evaluate how you are feeling about your schedule - are you over-committed? under committed? just right?
•Are you happy with the progress you are making? Are your efforts resulting in the progress you desire?
•Does anything need to change?
•Are you HAPPY with the way you are spending your time?
•Have you scheduled in time for yourself and playful exploration? Not doing so is the road to burn-out.
•Is there something you would love to do if you had the courage?

In this episode of the Creatives Get Real podcast, Roben-Marie and Sandi talk about the importance of evaluating your current business and schedule to see if it meets your current needs.

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