Points of Two - Week Twenty

Points of Two - Week Twenty

Hello and welcome to week Twenty of the Points of Two Project!  This week is all about hearts!  For this page, I did my first UStream broadcast.  See the end of the post for details.  This page was created with acrylic inks, dye inks, deli paper, gesso, stitching, misc. papers and oil pastels. I added the journaling after I scanned it into the computer.  This gave me some practice in using my Wacom.  The handwriting is messy because I found it very difficult to control the pen.  I need to keep practicing!!  :)

Kira's art journal page

{Visit Kira's blog to read more about her journal page!}

Well, I finally did it!  I created my first live broadcast on UStream, only it wasn't live! LOL!  I had to give it a test run to make sure it all worked.  This was a good thing, because I thought the audio was working and it was not!  EEK!  My first broadcast/video is me creating the POT page for this week.  I decided to save and share it eventhough the audio is missing.  I plan to broadcast more sessions of me working in the studio on random projects so stay tuned!  The cool thing is that you can ask me questions while I work!


Points of Two is a year-long exploration into the differences in all of us. We aim to journal focusing on the same idea, but create very different pages – two points of view, two different styles, brought together to showcase the idea that there is no wrong way to journal and everything you create is art. Join us as we journal the year, creating and exploring the space between and discovering how small that gap really is. The "two" are: Me and Kira!