Points of Two - Week Eighteen

Points of Two - Week Eighteen

Hello and welcome to week Eighteen of the Points of Two Project!  I love circles and this week is all about them.  I decided to create a digital journal page this week, using all digi items.  I recently purchased some colored doodle circles and added some stitches and a circle dater.  I also hand wrote the alphabet and scanned the letters into the computer and created a set of brushes with them.  They are messy and not so perfect, but I like them.

cir·cle:  [sur-kuhl]Show IPAnoun, verb,-cled, -cling. –noun

1. a closed plane curve consisting of all points at a given distance from a point within it called the center.

2. the portion of a plane bounded by such a curve.

3. any circular or ringlike object, formation, or arrangement: a circle of dancers.

4. a ring, circlet, or crown.

Roben-Maries art journal page

Credits: Date Stamps by Roben-Marie Designs; Doodley Scribbles and Doodley Do by Jenna Desai; Stitch it Up by Syrin; Hip and Little Little Circles by Sausan Designs.

Kira's art journal page

{Kira's Page ~ Visit Her Blog Here!}


Points of Two is a year-long exploration into the differences in all of us. We aim to journal focusing on the same idea, but create very different pages – two points of view, two different styles, brought together to showcase the idea that there is no wrong way to journal and everything you create is art. Join us as we journal the year, creating and exploring the space between and discovering how small that gap really is. The "two" are: Me and Kira!