Points of Two - Week Four

Points of Two-Week Four

Hello and welcome to week four of the Points of Two Project!  This week Kira and I set about on a "Kindess Mission" to find opportunities to bring joy to others by doing good things.  This past week we focused on this quote by Booker T. Washington:  "I learned long ago that those who are the happiest are those who do the most for others."  Our mission for the week was to bring joy to others through simple things. 

I have two friends that live in an assisted living facility, Harry {103 years old} and Jim {74 yers old} and they don't get a lot of visitors.  I decided to bake them cookies and drop in for a visit.  They are so sweet and think I am the best cook!  They actually brightened my day!  I also had the opportunity to buy a lady at Starbucks her coffee. She asked m why and I told her about this weeks theme and about the project.  She and I talked a little about art journaling and I told her about my work.  What a great way to make some's day and strike up a conversation!

Be sure to check out Kira's blog for more information about her word and what it means to her.

Thank-you to everyone who is following our journey and for your kind comments!  We really appreciate it!

Roben-Marie's art journal page

Credits: Date Rings by Gypsy Couture available at The DigiChick, Xperimental II by Altered Artistry, Random Alphabet Vol. 3 by Dysfunctional Design available at The DigiChick and Studio Remnants by Sherrie JD.

Kira's art journal page

Points of Two is a year-long exploration into the differences in all of us. We aim to journal focusing on the same idea, but create very different pages – two points of view, two different styles, brought together to showcase the idea that there is no wrong way to journal and everything you create is art. Join us as we journal the year, creating and exploring the space between and discovering how small that gap really is. The "two" are:  Me and Kira!